Middle School Programs

Humble Hearts is designed to equip mid...More

Humble Hearts is designed to equip middle school girls with the tools needed to thrive in every aspect of their lives. With a targeted approach to reaching and nurturing this specific group, Humble Hearts will focus on four components: Social Component - Humble Hearts will expose girls to skills and strategies that will foster healthy relationships with friends, siblings, teachers and future employees. Girls will learn the importance of politeness, etiquette, empathetic listening and team-building. Character Component - Humble Hearts will expose girls to character traits synonymous with the YMCA's 4 core values; responsibility, respect, honesty and caring. Activities and outside speakers will highlight and personify these traits. Career Component - Humble Hearts will expose girls to opportunities in the professional world. Vocational speakers will provide hands-on training on-site, as well as skills needed to acquire a career, such as college site visits and interview strategies. Service Component - Humble Hearts embeds service projects into its program, giving girls hands-on experiences with serving and supporting the community.

Humble Hearts Girls Empowerment Program

Y Express

9/9/2024 to 11/18/2024


12:30 PM to 2:30 PM

Ages 10y to 13y

Registration 8/1/2024 to 11/18/2024